Highlighting Manchester Schools With Male Teachers On Staff
“A truly great teacher is hard to find, difficult to part with and impossible to forget.”
Effective strategies used to 'teach or reach the male brain' by male teachers
1. incorporate activities, events, people they like, admire, do in order to make connections or be a point / source of reference.
2. Modelling / coaching positive actions / reactions in specific social situations where they lack the right approach. ( Example engaging conversation with the opposite sex)
3. Affirmation and reinforcement of positive attitudes displayed
4. Encouraging them to improve and demand excellence.
One on one conversation sharing personal experiences, Motivational talks on the importance of learning to read and write, practical demonstrations of the importance of education for men. Using sports as a motivational tool for literacy and numeracy. Using simple games like “Cash Pot” to teach numbers. Transpose content into most current rhythm. Promote DJ, Dub poem competition using the content taught from different subject areas.
Discovery Learning
Project Based( allows them to investigate and create)
Role males model presentation – show them the male role models in our country, where they are coming from and the struggles they had. Usain Bolt, Hansel Parchment etc.
Boys luncheon – teaching them the etiquette and chivalry.